ONE8FIFTY intends to increase the number of registered organ donors in New York State through community awareness and creating a call to action for New York State residents to become registered organ donors.

90% of Americans say they support donation, yet only 30% know the essential steps to become a donor.
We intend to be the driving force to change donor INTENT to donor CONSENT.
The nonprofit was founded by Tom Jasinski, a double transplant recipient, and born as a result of being told that his wait for a lifesaving kidney could have taken as long as ten years.
During nearly two years on dialysis, Tom researched everything he could about transplant. He was concerned that he might be one of the 22 people who die each day while waiting for organs that do not come. New York State was near the bottom in the number of registered donors per capita and that there are nearly 10,000 New York State residents waiting for life saving organs.
In 2014, the Texas/Oklahoma region increased its organ donor registration by 19% which led to a 10% increase in transplants. With your help we can increase the New York State registry and save lives!
New York State residents who registered prior to 2008 were registering their intent. Since then, the law has changed. Re-registering will ensure you are giving your consent to be an organ donor. Speaking with your family about your wishes is always recommended.
The need is real. People are dying. Organ donation saves lives.
Collaborative. Bold. Passionate. Creative.
These words and so many more describe the narrative behind ONE8FIFTY and its founder, Tom Jasinski, a kidney and pancreas transplant recipient.
The strength of the organization emanates from his personal connection to the cause and his dedication to the health of the community.
Organ donation touches all of us. Nearly 10,000 people across New York State are waiting for life saving organs and approximately 117,000 across the United States. 22 people die each day waiting. The time to take action is now.
We challenge you to join our cause and be the change in New York State, which currently in the bottom five states in the nation, in the number of registered organ and tissue donors.
Our team isn’t complete without you! Register to be an organ donor. Tell your family and friends. Encourage them to register too. Support us financially. Become a ONE8FIFTY ambassador.
ONE8FIFTY is a NYS Non-Profit Corporation IRS 501(C)3 designation.
Donate securely via PayPal, or using a credit or debit card.